I'm Mia. 26, part time working, part time studying single mum to the scrummiest but most hectic 2 and a half year old girly in the world. I've always been confident, had plenty of great friends, ambition, drive. Most importantly, I've always been really independent.
I never had boyfriends in school and I've always known my own mind. I stand up for myself and other people if I think we're being treated unfairly, make impulsive decisions to suit me and if anyone tells me "no", it makes me even more determined to get what I want. I enjoy my own company and I don't need validation from anyone to know I'm a decent person yet, for 2 whirlwind years of my life, I became one of approximately 2 million people in the UK to suffer domestic abuse.
I was never physically harmed, and I was pretty switched on; I recognised red flags and carried on, thinking I'd be fine because I had seen the signs. I was 22 and had a great job at the time the relationship began, the best group of friends that I'd had since primary school, a big, close-knit extended family, lovely home that I was comfortably renting alone, yet I still became a victim.
I can't tell you exactly why I'm starting this blog. Maybe it's for a bit of closure and clarity for me, maybe it's so that I can understand what I've been through better, or maybe, hopefully, it'll be able to raise awareness of the different elements of domestic violence, how it really can affect ANYONE and how physical violence is just a tiny part of it. My relationship ended a year and a half ago now and, truthfully, I am still being abused.
I want something positive to come out of my experiences. I don't want to sit back and see anyone else go through what I did. There have been so many times over the past 4 years that I have felt completely lost and unsupported even by people and agencies who are supposed to protect you. It's the loneliest place and if I can help one person through a similar, seemingly hopeless situation, this blog will be so worth it. I've been through hell, but there's a fire in my belly and I need to make sure something changes; for victims and perpetrators.
So, welcome to Life Savvy Me. A place for me to vent and hopefully educate and empower other people. Nice to meet you.
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